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What is Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd?

Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd is an educational institution that deals with online classes, offline classes and home tuition.

What does the Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd teach?

Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd teaches all subjects through online classes, offline classes and home tuition.

What grades does Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd teach ?

Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd teaches grade from nursery to 12th

How many teachers are there in Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd?

Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd has a team of qualified teachers. Currently we have a team of 10 experienced educators.

What is the fee for the classes?

Please visit the centre or call on the given number for detailed information with a counsellor.

When are the classes held?

Demo classes can be scheduled according to your request. Whereas for regular classes you can discuss about it during the enrollment process.

What is a free demo class?

Free demo classes demonstrate the kind of technology & methodology we have for teaching and also the quality of teachers we have.

What subjects are taught here?

We have specialization in mathematics, science and English, but we also teach other subjects.

How to contact Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd?

You can visit the Nirvighnam Sccr Institute Pvt.Ltd's office or you can call on 7050917161

Will we get discounts in the courses?

For this you would have to take a free demo class and then talk about the same with the authorities.

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